BAA Principles of Social Interaction

This is a 4 credit course offered to students on a referral basis at Belmont Secondary . It was developed for the Sooke School District by Shereen Shad in February 2007.
This Web Based program and all the lessons in it have been designed by Ruth McDonald and Leswal, Integration Support Teachers at Belmont Secondary School.

Course Synopsis:
The purpose of Principles of Social Interaction is to address communication, social and abstract thinking skills in addition to developing strategies for resolving conflict and managing stress

The purpose of Principles of Social Interaction is to provide direct, specific instruction to develop social “survival” skills not addressed in other high school courses.  These skills include:

§  Self-awareness and understanding
§  Identifying the elements of social communication
§  Applying pragmatics of social interaction (verbal and non-verbal)
§  Anger management
§  Stress management
§  Conflict resolution

This course provides the opportunity for students with deficits in these areas to develop their skills in a safe, supportive environment with some of their peers.


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